Erin Shelton
Founder, Board President
Erin (she/her) is a harm reductionist from West Virginia with lived experience as a rural queer person and person in recovery. She is passionate about serving vulnerable folks experiencing the effects of poverty and stigma in Appalachia and values creating community with and uplifting the voices of the folks that she serves. In her free time, she and her family enjoy live music, community events, and spending time outdoors hiking, camping, and geocaching

Morgan Wood
Founder, Board Member
Morgan (she/her) is a harm reductionist who hails from Morgantown, West Virginia. She has worked in spaces meant to serve unhoused and vulnerable people for her entire professional career. Morgan is a West Virginia State Certified Peer Recovery Support Specialist who focuses on meeting people where they are at. She is a mother to a wonderful daughter and enjoys crafting in her spare time.

Cassidy Thompson
Founder, Board Vice President
Cassidy (she/her) is a mother of two who resides in Morgantown, West Virginia. She has lived experience with being unhoused and having substance use disorder. Cassidy has used this experience to work in related fields for over seven years. She is a fierce advocate for harm reduction and housing justice. In her free time Cassidy enjoys going to Billy Strings shows (she is his number one fan), cooking, and playing board games.

Jodi Sine
Board Member
Jodi (she/they) is a queer Appalachian mother of two. She has lived experience with being unhoused in addition to loving people who use drugs. Jodi is a nonprofit and campaign finance autodidact and serves as the treasurer of the Project Rainbow Board. She believes the human condition can be improved through kindness and compassion. Jodi enjoys hiking, yoga, video games, and subverting the status quo.

Ember Blackwater
Board Member
Ember (she/her) is a trans woman from rural West Virginia. She brings peer support to the table through her experiences with being unsheltered and trying to navigate the housing system. She experienced many injustices due to her gender identity while living unhoused in Morgantown, which inspired the start of Project Rainbow. Ember is passionate about advocacy and providing compassion to our community’s most vulnerable people.

Jenny Richards
Board Member
Jenny (she/her) is a West Virginia native who is passionate about transforming Appalachia into a safe space for marginalized communities. She is a WVU graduate and a licensed social worker. In addition to Project Rainbow, she runs a local non-profit that provides cleaning services to women in need for free. At Project Rainbow, she serves as a board member and is on several committees. She wears many hats in the organization including coordinating volunteers, working directly with clients, and serving as a community liason.

Maria Bernardo
Board Member
Maria (she/her) is a Pittsburgh native who graduated from West Virginia University with a Masters Degree in Social Work. She has a passion for harm reduction and advocating for marginalized people. Maria loves all creatures, especially rodents and felines. She serves on many committees on the Board provides support as needed, and helps keep us focused in a harm reduction lens.

Veronica Witikko
Board Member
Bio coming soon

Becky Rodd
Board Member
Bio coming soon